NetAudioAds™ Pay-Per-Play (PPP) advertising is an advertising channel that is set to take the web by storm. Because of the size and scope of this deal (backed by one of the BIG 5 search engines), PPP advertising will become a world wide business media event.

PPP works on a bid management system similar to Google Adwords and will compensate publishers just like Google Adsense but with one critical difference…

Publishers (website owners) will earn revenue on 100% of their traffic... no clicks necessary!

PPP is a way for advertisers (Like Harley Davidson or Taco Bell) to serve a 5 second audio advertisement to website visitors. It is a way for advertisers to target their 5 second audio ad to specific interests, demographics and geographic locations.

Big TV's ad revenue is dwindling because PPP offers advertisers a more cost effective advertising solution that has been providing positive Return on Investment (ROI) for over 2 years. PPP offers advertisers a way to reach their target audience and is the only form of media whose impressions and ad placements are verified by an independent 3rd party.

NetAudioAds™ PPP is not new, it has been running for 2 ½ years, has over 66,000 advertisers and over 550,000 websites that serve PPP ads to their visitors.

The 550,000+ websites that currently serve these ads are responsible for up to 43 million streams (impressions) of advertisers' 5 second audio ads on a monthly basis.

Listen to some 5 second audio ads from
some of our actual advertisers:
Click Here

As you can hear the ads that play are very professional. Best of all these audio ads DO NOT take up any space on a webpage... They are just heard, not seen, and there is nothing to click on, the ad just plays when a visitor enters a page that has the PPP code inserted. Website owners are paid "Per-Play" NOT Per-Click.

How many 5 second ads are played for the visitor?

PPP audio ads only play one time so web page visitors are not bombarded with a continuous stream of 5 second ads. In other words when a visitor enters a page with the PPP code inserted then that visitor will hear ONE 5 second audio ad and that's it.

Are PPP audio ads related to the website content on which they are played?

Yes, PPP NetAudioAds™ uses technology that crawls the readable content of any web page where the PPP code is inserted. As a result, we only serve ads that are related to the content of any web page where the PPP code is present.

Click here to sign up for placing audio ads in your site or blog and earn money for every visitor.


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